Track your moods throughout the month to learn more about yourself and achieve better health. My free printable mood tracker for the Bullet Journal is a fun way to keep track of your moods. As you colour-in your tracker you will recognise patterns in your moods, and learn about the positive and negative influencers that trigger a particular mood. Today I’m sharing my free printable mood tracker along with tips for how to use the tracker, and the benefits of tracking your moods in the Bullet journal.
Why should you track your moods?
Using a mood tracker can help identify negative influencers, or triggers, that you need to avoid to maintain optimum health. These triggers are different for everyone and may be related to poor diet, stressful situations or lack of sleep. As you implement positive strategies to improve your health, you will see the effects in your mood tracker. For example, you may notice improved moods on days following exercise or going to sleep earlier. Focusing on these positive outcomes will empower you to make better choices to feel healthier and happier.
How to use your free printable mood tracker
Sign up here to get access to my free Planner Lovers Resource Library, and download this printable mood tracker. The mood tracker features a cute teacup filled with heart-shaped ‘flowers’. This is the mood tracker I’m using in my Bullet Journal this month! Print the file onto A4 or Letter size paper at 100%. Cut out the design and stick it into your bullet journal or diary. If you prefer to hand draw the design, use the print-out as a template to trace. Alternatively, make a sticker by printing onto adhesive paper.
Before you start using your mood tracker, you will need to create a key. To create your key, decide which moods to track and allocate a colour to each one. Choose contrasting colours so you can recognise any patterns at a glance. Keep your key on the same page as, or close to, your tracker.
Colour in one heart each day, in the colour that corresponds to your mood that day. Write a number next to each heart you have coloured to record the day of the month/date. On this particular design, there is the option to combine two moods where necessary by colouring each side of the heart in a different colour. For example, two of the moods on my tracker are tired and grumpy, but often I experience these moods together.
To gain even more from your monthly mood tracker, write a few lines in your journal about your activities each day, or keep a food or sleep log. Reviewing these together with your mood tracker will help you learn even more about yourself and those positive and negative triggers. Focus on the positive influencers and strategies that make you feel good and see your moods and wellbeing improve.
Sign up to access my Planner Lovers Resource Library and download your printable mood tracker.

looks interesting. I’m new to travelers journals, can’t d cider which size I would like. Have the original size now but it is kinda big for my purse. Searching for ideas.
Hi Sherry! I haven’t tried the Travellers Journal but I love the look of them! I currently use an A5 Leuchtturm1917 which I really love. The size is great. I use a larger sized Moleskine too. I definitely recommend experimenting with a few different journals to see what works best. Good luck!
Hi, Your mood tracker looks interesting but when I click either link, they want me to install something else on to my computer. All I’m interested in is your tracker, not the other stuff. Thanks anyway.
Hi, thanks for your interest in the mood tracker!
You can download the mood tracker from my resource library. Nothing needs to be installed, you may have been clicking on an ad within the post, rather than one of my links to the resource library. If you haven’t already signed up, you can do that here:
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with
Hi! This mood tracker is so cute! Thanks ^^
My pleasure Karina! I’m glad you like it 🙂
Love this tracker 🙂 Thank you!
My pleasure Trisha. I’m really happy you like it! Enjoy x