Happiness Habits

5 Simple Ways To Slow Down And Start Living A More Meaningful Life

A few years ago my life was a constant rush, from the minute I woke up until the second I collapsed into bed late at night. I was running an online craft shop, a job I always thought would be my dream, yet I felt completely exhausted stressed and unfulfilled. I was doing so much, but none…

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Planning For Plastic Free July, and Single-Use Plastic I’m Refusing For Good

Plastic Free July might only be a month, but participating has helped me create life-long habits. Taking small steps is the best way to change habits, and even small changes have the power to make a difference. Today I’m sharing the three single-use plastic items I refused for Plastic Free July and the plastic free alternatives that are making a difference.

How a Weekly Gratitude Practice Can Change Your Life Plus Free Printable Gratitude Jar

Cultivating a weekly gratitude practice can do wonders for your health and wellbeing. Anyone can practice gratitude. It only takes a few minutes and doesn’t cost any money. Keeping a gratitude journal is a wonderful way to say ‘thank you’ for all the good in your life. Each week I add to my monthly Gratitude Jar, in my…

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Embrace everyday rituals for a slower life – Destination Simple

Are you constantly rushed, anxious and overwhelmed, wishing for a simpler, slower life? If you answered yes then you need to read this book. Brief and to the point, Destination Simple can be read in one sitting, so there’s no excuses, even for the busiest of people! Plus the exercises outlined in Destination Simple are easy to integrate into daily life, creating a…

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